Anne Frank's Stepsister Eva

It was a memorable kick off to Memorial Day weekend when Jewish survivor Eva Schloss spoke to a large crowd in Rock Island, Illinois on Friday, May 25. I've been fortunate to have met Eva twice before and her children's book was captured by two exchange students years ago, but I always enjoy hearing her share. I learn something new from her each time.

She gave some fun insight on her friend Anne Frank, who was nicknamed "cluck cluck" at school because she was always talking. Also, because Anne talked during school, she had to write "I will not talk in school" over and over. I smiled because that was a problem I had as a child as well. I wrote that sentence hundreds, perhaps thousands of times.

When the Nazis invaded both Anne’s family and Eva’s FAMILY went into hiding. Both were caught and sent to concentration camps. After the war, Eva’s mother married Otto Frank, because both their spouses were killed by the Nazis.

Hide & Seek with Evil Hide & Seek with Evil
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Hide & Seek with Evil
Read how both Eva Schloss and Anne Frank's families play and lose a game of hide and seek with the Nazis.

Interracial Friendship Lasts Over 150 Years